We’ve seen time and time again that culturally relevant content achieves engagement at much greater scale than that which is forced. So, all the brands suggesting hashtags and slapping platform logos on the end of their commercials are better off tuning into CNN or ESPN for inspiration to create something people will actually care about.

Mike Mikho for AdAge

Those #SMWTF tweets

Social Media World Forum Asia was held in Singapore earlier this week. All kinds of people with interest in social media were there from various parts of the world talking essentially about using so called social media for marketing, promotions, brand building, and stuff like that which is probably a fancy way of saying they’re trying to figure out how to sell stuff to people without looking like they’re selling anything.

Mr. Brown, the ever influential Singaporean that he is, took the chance and turned it into something a little more entertaining.

Those #SMWTF tweets

Twitter landscape in Indonesia 2011

Saling silang published a report on the state of “social media” in Indonesia for the first half of 2011 which you can see on Slideshare. Some of the highlights with regards to Twitter:

  • There are nearly 85 million internet users in Indonesia according to Business Measurement Intelligence report
  • Third most active country on Twitter with 13% of tweets, nearly doubles the UK at 4th place with 7%. The US tops the list with 28% of tweets, followed by Brazil with 24%.
  • Nearly 1.3 million tweets per day collectively
  • No day is significantly more chatty than the other. 
  • The busiest times during the day are between 5 pm and 10 pm (33% of tweets) but mornings make up 30% of tweets.
  • Jakarta is the most tweeting city with 13% of tweets, followed by Yogyakarta with 11.7% and Surabaya with 11.3%.
  • Nearly 87% of tweets are from mobile devices.

Twitter landscape in Indonesia 2011

the question now isn’t whether social media can start a revolution, but whether dictators believe it can.